这个诉讼, 5月2日提交, 2008, against Denver and the United States Secret Service on behalf of twelve national and local advocacy organizations, seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of individual and organizations that wish to express their views about issues of public concern during the time of the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August, 2008. The suit asks the court to order Denver to process pending requests for permits for parades and demonstrations that will use the 城市 streets. It also seeks disclosure and judicial review of the anticipated regulations affecting expression at or near the Convention site, including disclosure of the details of the anticipated “demonstration zone.”

Plaintiffs achieved several of their goals through pre-trial proceedings, as memorialized in the Court's Order of June 9.  Remaining issues were resolved in a trial to the court.  试验后, 8月6日, Judge Krieger issued a Memorandum and Order rejecting Plaintiffs' remaining claims.   American Civil Liberties Union v. 城市 and 丹佛县, 569 F. 增刊. 2d 1142 (D. 科罗拉多州. 2008).  






Steven D. Zansberg; Christopher P. Beall; Mark Silverstein, ACLU of 科罗拉多州rado Legal Director; Taylor Pendergrass, ACLU of 科罗拉多州rado 工作人员 Attorney


08-CV-00910, United States District Court, District of 科罗拉多州rado